Your horses feet


Posted by horsetips22 | Posted in On the farm, Tips from sis | Posted on May 14, 2014

A foot packed with dirtA properly cleaned horse foot

An important thing that you need to do every is pick your horses feet. If you don’t your horse can get trush a bacteria that horse get in there feet that eats away at the inside of the foot.  It’s also important to pick his feet because in the winter because snow can pack in the horses foot and and it can turn to ice Making it hard to walk. The proper way to pick his hoof is to by a horse pick it should have a pick on one side and a brush on the other side. Next use the pick and get snow/ dirt out of the foot then use the brush to get dirt out of small cracks.

Interview with an expert


Posted by horsetips22 | Posted in On the farm, School stuff, Tips from sis | Posted on May 13, 2014

Kayla summers is a rangerette with the pike peak rangerettes. She has been part of the rangerette for 2 years now. She it an expert on horses. She is 16 years old. She has recently sold me a horse, and helped me work out the problems I have with my horse.


Q: How can you gain better control of your horse when riding him?

A: In order to gain better control of your horse when riding him, you must achieve respect by riding often and improving ground manners. Also, improving your riding skills allows you to gain more control over what you are asking him to do.

Q: What kind of horses do you prefer?

A: I prefer paint and quarter horses with a sound demeanor that is willing to learn.

Q: When you got your first horse what kind of troubles did you have?

A: My first horse had a lack of ground manners and respect. He was very stubborn and had a mind of his own.

Q: Since you have been riding for a will you give us some tips on what not to do?

A: From my experience over the years I have learned to never ride without confidence especially on an inexperienced horse.

Q: How did you get in to riding?

A: I grew up around horses and learned how to ride a horse before I learned how to ride a bike and discovered my natural passion for the sport.

Q: What are some things that even you struggle with

A: I personally struggle with patience as every horse is different and working for a horse trainer, I get a lot of inexperienced, untrained, and young horses.

Feeding your horse


Posted by horsetips22 | Posted in On the farm, Tips from sis | Posted on April 15, 2014

This is a more expensive but multiple horses can eat from it and it also holds grain!

This is a more expensive but multiple horses can eat from it and it also holds grain!

One of the most important things to remember when feeding your horse, (hay or alfalfa) is to never give it to them on the ground. This is because the horse may get dirt in the food. Unlike when they are in the pasture eating the grass, it’s above the dirt so they won’t eat the dirt. They can be fead in a cheap plastic tub, or a feeder.

This is so your horse does not have to eat on the ground!

This is so your horse does not have to eat on the ground!

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